Month: October 2010

Politics Solo Travel

Ready (or not) for the Rally to Restore Sanity

OMG! Can’t believe tomorrow night I’m leaving on a jet plane for the Rally to Restore Sanity in Washington, D.C.! I’m so not ready but know it’ll be an awesome experience. As you can see below, I haven’t gotten very far in creating my sign(s). Worst-case scenario, I’ll be sitting on the floor of Hartsfield-Jackson […]

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Wordless Wednesday: Nov. 2 Be Cool. Vote.

I tweeted earlier this week, “1920 – Less than 100 years ago the 19th Amendment granting women the right to vote was ratified. Don’t throw it away, vote! #vote2010”. Mid-term Elections are less than a week away. Please exercise your right to vote on Nov. 2. Why wouldn’t you?

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Seeing Signs of a New Zealand Holiday

Over the years I’ve seen them, yet have ignored the signs. The signs for planning a New Zealand holiday. I first became enchanted with the country when watching the The Amazing Race and seeing contestants rolling down a hill in a giant bubble called a zorb. They looked like hamsters rolling around in an exercise […]

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travel industry

5 Takeaways from the Tourism Crisis Workshop

Last week I attended the Tourism Crisis Management Leadership Workshop in Gainesville, Fla., coordinated by the University of Florida’s Tourism Crisis Management Institute. To sum up the workshop, “wow”. Amazing information was packed into a day-and-a-half of presentations by national and international tourism leaders. All of the presenters provided lessons learned from first-hand accounts and […]

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Disclosure Fuzzies, Gadgets & Stuff

ShopWiki: Where to Find Cheap Luggage

As I watched my tattered luggage make its way on the luggage belt to me, I decided it was time to purchase luggage. A zipper is broken, a wire sticks out the back and a front pocket is fraying. Definitely, it’s time. So where’s a solo travel girl to search for new, cheap luggage?  As […]

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Culinary Travel Solo Travel

Picking Hydroponics Veggies Near Sarasota, Fla.

Living in an apartment and spending much of my time traveling, I don’t have the ideal situation for a garden. I’ve tried growing herbs and tomatoes but they usually wilt away due to lack of watering. I know a few people who recommended that I get in grow lights from somewhere like as they […]

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Nature Travel Snapshots

Wordless Wednesday: Who Let the Bats Out?

Can’t wait to write a blog post about this experience! Florida continues to amaze me with incredible sights and adventures. A visit to the bat houses at the University of Florida in Gainesville last night was a true treat. Enjoy this video.

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Solo Travel

Narnia Exhibit in Huntsville, Ala. through Jan. 5, 2011

Giddy as a schoolgirl, I entered the wardrobe filled with over-sized winter coats to exit out the other side into a  magical world. It was SNOWING . Slowly, I turned around taking in all the movie memorabilia from The Chronicles of Narnia as the “snow” piled upon my hair. You can have this experience too, […]

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Disclosure Fuzzies, Gadgets & Stuff

Disneynature OCEANS is Aqua-Amazing!

Incredible. Incredible. INCREDIBLE! Just finished watching  Disneynature OCEANS, out on Blu-Ray and DVD Oct. 19, 2010. This nature film is an amazing journey into the ocean. It’s a feast for the eyes and blow your mind with the wonderment of marine life. It’s aqua-amazing! Consider it a peek into Neptune’s aquatic theatrical show starring both […]

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Culinary Travel

Stone Crab Season Opens Today!

I’m so excited! Stone crab season opens today, Oct. 15, in Florida and runs through May 15, 2011. Why am I excited? Because these tasty claws are sweet treasures from the sea and my favorite seafood menu item. Best of all, the entire stone crab doesn’t need to be sacrificed to enjoy it. When crabbers […]

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