Month: April 2015

Alligator Wrestling? Oh, Yeah. I Did That at Gatorland in Orlando, Fla.
It’s been a while since I have had something six feet, lean and muscular between my thighs. I’m a gal with standards and straddling a 180-pound alligator wasn’t what I had in mind to relieve me of my, uh, um, dry spell. And hey, get your mind outta the gutter!
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Digging in the Peace River’s Crunch to Find Florida’s Past
“There’s a gray shark tooth in there,” Mark Renz nonchalantly said after dumping two scoops of Peace River crunch into a wood-framed screen which was strapped with two pieces of a baby blue foam pool noodle. He pushed the floating screen toward me and as I looked down, staring back was a 1-inch layer of what looked to be black stones and pebbles of various sizes.
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The Grandma B Memories Project
Today I began a year-long video project called the “Grandma B Memories Project.” Everyday for a year, I’ll read responses and perhaps offer my commentary to what my Grandma Bednar shared with me in a journal several years ago. These daily video clips will be posted to Solo Travel Girl’s Facebook page. Either weekly or monthly I’ll compile the clips and post them to my YouTube channel.
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10 Things that Surprised Me About Thailand
Oh, Thailand. I had no idea how in a short period of time I would be so smitten with your wonderful kingdom. My visit was only a week long and definitely not enough time to call me an expert. I admit, I didn’t do the proper research before hitting the ground running in Bangkok and Loei Province and in my naivety, here are 10 things that surprised me about Thailand.
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I Discovered Thainess and Recharged My Soul
I traveled to Thailand to discover Thainess and the unexpected happened; I recharged my soul. Thing is, I didn’t realize how hollow my life has been the last few months. Visitation to Florida has been flooded with tourists and seasonal residents seeking warmth and sunshine.
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Travel to Thailand: Hello Kitty-Themed Resort is a Big Pink Surprise
The most surprising thing I saw or did in Thailand? One of those things I did was visit the Kitty Resort, themed after Hello Kitty, in the Phu Ruea district of Loei.
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