Month: June 2018

Florida Travel: Getting a Grip on Gators at Gatorama
Cupped in the palm of my hands was a latex-like white egg and when I held it to my ear, I heard a little chirping sound. Inside was a baby alligator, called a hatchling, and within seconds, the little guy pierced the interior membrane and exterior egg shell with its egg tooth. My job, with the assistance of a volunteer, was to help the hatchling out of his shell. Soon enough, I was holding a baby gator in the my hands he was so dang cute!
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Travel to Germany: Walking Tour Uses Five Senses to Discover East Berlin of Yesteryear
Following Dirk down the sidewalk along Karl-Mark-Allee, a boulevard built during the days of the German Democratic Republic, and looking at the pre-fabricated apartment buildings, I imagined what life was like in a 1949 – 1990 East Berlin behind the Berlin Wall. Admittedly, I am ignorant when it comes to historical events around the GDR, a totalitarian Communist dictatorship, but with each step during the tour, Dirk painted a vivid image of what that life looked like through engaging the five senses.
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Tips for Saving During Your 2018 Florida Summer Vacation
Who doesn’t love saving a buck when traveling? I’m always looking for ways to stretch my dollars and with summer rolling in, I hope you find these tips useful for saving when visiting Florida attractions.
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