Month: June 2014

Finding Old School Treasures and Pop Culture at Black Dog Salvage in Roanoke, Virginia
Given the choice of thrifting at a flea market or visiting a shopping mall, I’ll always choose the former. I was in my element browsing the aisles and piles of Black Dog Salvage during my spring visit to Roanoke, Va., seeking a treasure with personality to add to my home.
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Help Boost Girls’ Confidence By Sharing What You Do #LikeAGirl
You can help boost girls’ confidence just by sharing what you do like a girl. Have you seen the Always #LikeAGirl video yet? Go do it. Now.
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What Have You Damaged in a Hotel Room?
What have you damaged in a hotel room?? If it hasn’t happened to you already, someday it will. Oh, trust me.
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Former First Lady Laura Bush on Civility, Life After the White House During AARP Life@50+
Former First Lady Laura Bush and her daughter Barbara Pierce Bush addressed civility and life after the White House during AARP Life@50+ in Boston this spring
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Have You Been Photographed by Google Street View?
Have you been photographed by Google Street View? I haven’t but my dad has and although the image was taken in August 2011, today was the first day I saw him in the image.
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Ways to Save on Travel with Your AARP Membership
Are you saving on travel with your AARP Membership? I left AARP Life@50+ in Boston this spring AMAZED at not only the travel discounts but the value AARP Members receive.
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Putting My Hot Air to Work With Glassblowing in Staunton, Va.
I huffed and puffed yet didn’t inhale while putting my hot air to work during a glassblowing session at Sunspots Studios in Staunton, Va. Receiving a consultation with a glassblower was like having a consultation with my hairstylist.
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Delta’s Corporate Policy Delayed My Surprise and I Have the T-Shirt to Prove It
Guilt is one of my Catholic battle scars that will always stay with me. My Mom turned 70 years old this spring and due to prior commitments, I wasn’t able to attend the surprise party my family planned.
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