travel to Virginia

Travel to Virginia: Rolling Along Norfolk’s Cannonball Trail History Tour
- Solo Travel Girl
- February 15, 2020
- Cannonball Trail
- travel to Virginia
Norfolk has a Cannonball Trail? They sure do! During a Thanksgiving trip to visit friends in Virginia, I found myself rolling along Norfolk’s Cannonball Trail History Tour.
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#LOVEVA: See the LOVE in Virginia
Y’all know “Virginia is for lovers,” right? Launched in 1969, “Virginia is for lovers” is one of the most brilliant tourism slogans EVER. The Virginia Tourism Corporation, the state tourism office, knows “love is at heart of every Virginia vacation” and has created LOVEwork, a 16 feet wide by 7 feet tall artwork of the word “LOVE.” Think of it as a piece of tangible love.
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Travel to Virginia: Southern Charm and Hipster Vibe in Roanoke
Oh, Roanoke. What have you done to me? Months after my spring visit, your traditional Southern charm and hipster vibe are still in my heart.
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Travel to Virginia: Staunton is Cute as a Button
Heat from the donut radiated through the to-go container and warmed my hands as I watched vanilla ice cream, strawberries and whipped topping melt together to create a divine sundae. How did it taste? Oh, boy. Sinfully delightful. I mean, a sundae anchored with a freshly-made donut? How could it not be delicious?
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Putting My Hot Air to Work With Glassblowing in Staunton, Va.
I huffed and puffed yet didn’t inhale while putting my hot air to work during a glassblowing session at Sunspots Studios in Staunton, Va. Receiving a consultation with a glassblower was like having a consultation with my hairstylist.
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