You can help boost girls’ confidence just by sharing what you do like a girl. Have you seen the Always #LikeAGirl video yet? Go do it. Now. (See below.)
How many times have you heard, “he runs like a girl” or “you fight like a girl” and it was meant in a negative way?
Always Launches #LikeAGirl Campaign
Always (the global feminine care company in which I can say I’ve had an intimate relationship with for decades) just launched a new campaign to change the negative perception of the phrase “like a girl” and turn it to mean AMAZING. The campaign’s goal is to assist girls, especially as they enter puberty (ladies, do you remember that time?), feel confident and proud when they do things #LikeAGirl.
You’re thinking the “like a girl” phrase has been around for awhile so why is Always launching this campaign now?
According to Always, a national survey was recently released by Research Now stating 89 percent of young females agree words can be harmful, especially to girls, and a girl’s first period and the start of puberty are the lowest confidence moments for most girls. From personal experience, I totally agree.
As part of the #LikeAGirl campaign, Always partnered with Lauren Greenfield, an award-winning documentary filmmaker to create the powerful social experiment video to see how people of all ages interpret the phrase “Like a Girl.”
Share What You Do #LikeAGirl
After you view the video, join the movement to change the meaning of #LikeAGirl and champion girls’ confidence. You can do this by –
- Sharing what amazing things you do “like a girl” with girls everywhere, like my friend VM who is a Big Sister or Tracey Friley who started the Passport Party Project to help girls obtain passports and see the world.
- Share on your social channels such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram the amazing things you do using the hashtag #LikeAGirl.
- Visit the Always website to join the conversation.
I love this line from the video,
“Why can’t run like a girl also mean win the race?”
Go ahead. Run, fight and win #LikeAGirl.