If you’ll be in the Sarasota, Fla., area between now and June 19, 2013, and have an interest in seeing people do really cool things, plan on seeing daredevil Nik Wallenda train for his June 23 walk across the Grand Canyon. Head out to Nathan Benderson Park on North Cattleman Road Tuesdays through Sundays to see the “King of the High Wire” train about 25 feet in the air along a 1,200-foot cable. Training will take place twice daily Tuesdays through Saturdays from 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and again at 6 p.m. Sundays, he’s training at 3 p.m. and is not training on Mondays June 10 or 17.

Nik Wallenda’s walk across a 1,400-foot wire over the Grand Canyon will take place June 23 at 8:00 p.m. EDT, and will air live on the Discovery Channel’s worldwide network in 217 countries. Unlike his walk over Niagara Falls last June, the daredevil will not be wearing a tether.
Celebration of Sarasota’s Circus Heritage
Wallenda’s training in Sarasota is significant and can be considered a celebration of this Florida community’s rich circus heritage. For those needing a little history refresher, Wallenda is the seventh-generation of Great Wallendas. Circus magnate John Ringling wintered the circus in Sarasota during the early 20th century and the destination has a Circus Museum at The Ringling, a resident circus called Circus Sarasota and the Circus Ring of Fame on St. Armands circle pays tribute to circus greats, to name a few circus-related attractions.

Nuts & Bolts About Wallenda’s Trainings
The public is invited to view his training free of charge. Free parking is also available and opens at 10 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. and I imagine gates open at 2:30 p.m. on Sundays (but don’t quote me).
An ice cream truck is on-site as well as portable toilets and limited seating. Training lasts about 45 to 60 minutes. Arrive early to meet Wallenda and purchase his autobiography Balance: A Story of Faith, Family, and Life on the Line on-site. Chances are he’ll personalize it for you.
I snapped these photos during yesterday’s 6 p.m. training. I noticed Wallenda was very personable with the onlooking crowd. He even took time to check his phone. Was he checking in on FourSquare? Or maybe posting a status update on Facebook? Or maybe even sending a Tweet on Twitter.

For directions visit www.worldclassrowing.com.
Wallenda’s training is sponsored in part by Nathan Benderson Park and Visit Sarasota County, the County’s official tourism marketing organization. Not familiar with Nathan Benderson Park? You should be. The park will be one of the top three Rowing and Aquatic Nature facilities in the world when completed. The site is one of two finalists to host the 2017 World Rowing Championships, and will become North America’s premier 2,000 meter regatta course and rowing center. Right there in Sarasota. Pretty nifty, huh?
Don’t forget, eat well on a budget during Savor Sarasota Restaurant Week, June 1 – 14, 2013.

Nik Wallenda’s Training Schedule
10:30 a.m. Training; Open to the Public for Viewing
6:00 p.m. Training; Open to the Public for Viewing
3:00 p.m. Training; Open to the Public for Viewing
No Trainings on Mondays.
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