Month: August 2014

It’s Tuesday. Why Not?
“I think I’m going to the beach tonight,” I said to my coworkers the other day. They looked at me puzzled. “I mean, it’s Tuesday, why not?” I added.
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My Version of Grandma H.’s Clam and Corn Chowder Recipe
During my recent adventures back to Buffalo, I picked up some of my Grandma Huber’s recipes including this one for her popular clam and corn chowder. I made a batch of the milk-based chowder over the weekend and modified the recipe slightly to healthify it.
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Case of the Mondays or Post-Vacation Blues?
I did my duty as an American last week. I took a vacation to help stimulate the economy. It officially ended last night when I went to bed and today, I dragged myself to work feeling a little depressed. Do I have a case of the Mondays or am I suffering from post-vacation blues?
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Up Close and Personal with the Amish on New York’s Amish Trail
During my summer trip to Buffalo, my parents and I set out on our next adventure, New York’s Amish Trail. My fascination with the Amish probably began before I was 5 years old when my family made road trips to visit friends in Titusville, located in Western Pennsylvania.
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Eating My Way Through the 2014 Erie County Fair
During a visit to the Erie County Fair, rather than tour the fun house or grip for dear life on one of those rides that now turn me green, my parents and I were on a foodie adventure.
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Travel to Japan: How to Use a Japanese Toilet
Traveling to Japan? Be prepared on how to use a Japanese toilet and understand the etiquette of peeing in Japan. Peeing should not be hard. It’s a natural function. But just like everything in Japan, there’s certain etiquette to follow. I spent a month in Japan and one of my biggest challenges was conquering the Japanese toilets to become queen of the throne.
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