Social Media

Getting Social With NASA Changed My Life
I’ll never forget my first time. The ground shook beneath my feet. A roar rumbled in my gut. Goosebumps tingled over my skin. I stood in awe watching rockets push away from the launchpad and skyrocket into the sky. The year was 2011 and I witnessed the final launch of space shuttle Endeavour and the second-to-last space shuttle launch before the National Aeronautics and Space Administration ended the program.
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Solo Travel Girl Was in the News in February 2016
Have you heard? Solo Travel Girl was in the news in Feb. 2016! Working in public relations, you’d think it would be easy for me to drum up publicity, but honestly, promoting myself is one of the most difficult things to do.
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Can Travel Bloggers Influence Americans to Use Their Vacation Time?
Can travel bloggers influence Americans to use their vacation time? On average, they travel 88 days out of the year, compared to the average American who has 12 days of vacation time.
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Bangkok’s Governor Welcomes TBEX Travel Bloggers to Bangkok
“On behalf of the people of Bangkok…we welcome all of you to Bangkok.” You know you’re part of something big when a governor shows up at an event to welcome attendees. That’s what happened when Bangkok’s Governor, Mr. Sukhumbhand Paribatra, welcomed organizers and bloggers for the Oct. 15 – 17, 2015, TBEX Asia Conference (Travel […]
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I Spit in a Vial All in the Name of Research for the AncestryDNA Test
Who do I think I am? AncestryDNA helped me figure that out. When it comes down to genealogy, I thought I knew who I was based on what my family told me over the years. My father’s side is German with possible Austrian while my mother’s is Irish and Slovakian.
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7 Photography Tips for Your Next Blogger FAM Trip
Looking to add a little zest to your travel photos? Following are my seven photography tips for your next blogger FAM trip.
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Ohmygoodness! Solo Travel Girl Has Been Nominated for a Florida Sunshine Blog Award! 2015
I received some ohmygoodness news last week and I want to express my sincere thanks to those who made it happen. Solo Travel Girl has been nominated for a Sunshine Blog Award! This blog is one of three in the running for Best Travel Blog.
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A Little Time Off is Good for the Soul
In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve taken a little break from my blog. It wasn’t intentional and at first I felt guilty because I have SEVERAL posts that need to be written and uploaded. Honestly, I over-committed myself to projects during the last half of 2014 and in turn, kinda burned myself out.
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Four Things I Should Have Thought About When I Began Blogging
Four things I should have thought about when I began blogging: where I wanted to be in life, responsibilities as a blogger, my value, and how much time a blog needs to succeed.
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Join Me for FlipKey’s #TakeMeThereMiami Twitter Chat, Nov. 18, 2014 at 3 p.m. EST
Hey, y’all. I’m excited to share I’ll be co-hosting FlipKey’s #TakeMeThereMiami Twitter chat on Tuesday, Nov. 18 between 3 and 3:30 p.m.
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