travel bloggers

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Can Travel Bloggers Influence Americans to Use Their Vacation Time?
Can travel bloggers influence Americans to use their vacation time? On average, they travel 88 days out of the year, compared to the average American who has 12 days of vacation time.
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Travel News
Bangkok’s Governor Welcomes TBEX Travel Bloggers to Bangkok
“On behalf of the people of Bangkok…we welcome all of you to Bangkok.” You know you’re part of something big when a governor shows up at an event to welcome attendees. That’s what happened when Bangkok’s Governor, Mr. Sukhumbhand Paribatra, welcomed organizers and bloggers for the Oct. 15 – 17, 2015, TBEX Asia Conference (Travel […]
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My 7 Links: Wandering Down Memory Lane
As a writer, there are posts on this blog I love and others I tolerate. My friend Ben of Adventures with Ben recently nominated me to participate in TripBases ‘My 7 Links’ movement to pull out seven posts based on a specific topic.
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