Month: March 2014

That Time I Met Sinbad the Sailor
The joy of travel is often accompanied by the adventure of meeting new people, especially those of other nationalities. When it comes to meeting non-American men, I relish their mysterious international intrigue while being roped into flirtatious games. It’s typically flattering receiving compliments and attention by these international players, unless it gets a little creepy.
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USAF Thunderbirds Roar into Punta Gorda for 2014 Florida International Air Show
Six F-16C Fighting Falcons belonging to the United States Air Force Thunderbirds roared into Punta Gorda, Fla., skies Tuesday afternoon putting on a mini show before landing on the airport’s tarmac. “America’s Ambassador’s in Blue” are in town for the 34th Annual Florida International Air Show taking place March 29 & 30, 2014, at the Punta Gorda Airport.
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Review: Ooh, La, La. The J’adore Voxbox from Influenster
Just after Valentine’s Day the J’adore VoxBox from Influenster arrived in an over-sized pink box. A VoxBox is filled with complimentary products for trendsetters and social media influencers to sample and share their impressions. Each box is themed and this one contained Boots Botanics Shine Away Ionic Clay Mask, HERSHEY KISSES Milk Chocolate, John Frieda Frizz Ease 3-Day Straight Flat Iron Spray, Kiss Looks So Natural Lashes and Red Rose Simply Indulgent Teas.
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Rosie O’Donnell in Sarasota: Heart Disease in Women is No Laughing Matter
Typically, when someone moves into a new neighborhood the Welcome Wagon comes a knocking with a small basket of goodies, information and message of, “Hello, welcome to the neighborhood.” Over the weekend comedian, actor, author and mother Rosie O’Donnell did the opposite. She introduced herself to Suncoast residents by showing off her comedic talents and sharing an important message at McCurdy’s Comedy Club.
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Book Review: We’ll Always Have Paris: A Mother/Daughter Adventure by Jennifer Coburn
AAnyone can keep a travel journal but it takes a special talent for crafting an engaging travel story worthy of inviting others on the journey. We’ll Always Have Paris: A Mother/Daughter Memoir by Jennifer Coburn is not a flowery travel memoir about eating croissants, sipping coffee in Parisian cafes, and wearing matching berets in Paris. It’s a lesson in living life and well worth the read.
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Bike Tow Leash Offers Solution to Safely Bicycle with Your Dog
How can a dog parent spend more outdoor time with their canine-child? Biking, of course, and a solution to safely bike with a dog is Bike Tow Leash
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Travel to the Dominican Republic: Horseback Riding to El Limón Waterfall in Samaná
There’s something to be said about walking a mile in someone else’s shoes but what about riding a few miles atop another man’s horse? Continuing on my journey in the beautiful ecotourism haven of Samaná, located in northeastern Dominican Republic, I found myself riding another man’s horse to the splendor of El Limón Waterfall.
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Amelia Rose Earhart Plans Around the World Flight in June 2014
Amelia Rose Earhart is preparing to take flight in June 2014 to accomplish what her namesake (but no relation), Amelia Mary Earhart, didn’t in 1937, an around-the-world flight.
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Video: Cigar Rolling in Santa Domingo, Dominican Republic
Meet Ramón, a cigar roller at La Leyenda del Cigarro, a Cigar Shop and Factory in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. He rolls about 200 cigars a day!
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Coffee-Mate Girl Scouts Thin Mints Green Smoothie Recipe
Here’s a healthy dose of March for your NutriBullet , a Coffee-Mate Girl Scouts Thin Mints green smoothie recipe.
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