Last month I attended SheCon 2011 in South Beach and was made aware of the social media conference by fellow blogger Eileen Ludwig. The conference was excellent with top-notch presenters, sponsors and networking opportunities (post to follow eventually). Saturday evening of the conference, Eileen and I visited the Sassy Suite hosted by the Wine Sisterhood (@winesiterhood), a group of female wine marketers, colleagues and friends with backgrounds in the wine industry who promote specific wine labels.

The evening included conversation, wine tasting (Middle Sister’s Sassy & Sweet was so fine!) and hand massages (oh yeah, perfect for social media types with overworked hands!). Business cards were collected for a drawing of an iPad2 and I didn’t think anything of it.
Last week making my way back from Vancouver and Travel Blog Exchange I received an email stating I had WON! Yes, me! And guess what, Wine Sisterhood shipped it out lickity split so I was able to download a movie for my flight to Knoxville and upload photos for presentations. I’m still figuring the device out but I’m so honored and thrilled to be the winner.

Here’s the thank you video I made – turn up the volume (I was using my Flip and forgot about sound issues). I filmed this at the location of the World’s Largest Rubik’s Cube from the 1982 World’s Fair in Knoxville, Tenn.
If the above video does not play, click here.
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