Sarasota nutritionist

Health & Beauty
Health & Beauty: I Gave Myself the Gift of Health this Christmas with a #StepsToWellness Journey
I gave myself the best gift I could possibly give this year. The gift of health. Being a codependent, workaholic means I put the needs of others before my own. For most of my working adult life I’ve put work ahead of my health. I used it as an excuse to skip the gym and constantly ate fast food because I devoted lunches to working at my desk rather than prepare lunches at home and bring them to work. I used business trips as an excuse to try the most outrageous, gooey meals possible.
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About Me
Culinary Travel
Grab Bag
Health & Beauty
Sarasota Nutritionist and Coca-Cola Are Leading Me on a #StepsToWellness Journey
I’ve embarked on a different kind of journey thanks to the assistance of Sarasota nutritionist Nora Clemens of Nutrition and Wellness Solutions and Coca-Cola. It’s a journey following the steps to wellness.
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