Month: March 2018

My Airbnb in Berlin Was Eclectic and Awesome!
I don’t say this lightly but my Airbnb in Berlin, Germany, was eclectic and awesome! This was my first Airbnb experience (and you’ll hear more about that in another post) and I’m thrilled to report it was a positive one.
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Florida Travel: Vacation in Fort Myers & Sanibel Like a Pro
Sometimes, the best kept secrets are right under our noses. I have lived in Florida for more than 20 years and have explored this state from top to bottom from Pensacola to Dry Tortugas and everywhere in between. Yet, every day I am learning something new about the Sunshine State. I’m guessing there are thousands […]
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Outdoorswoman Journal: Southwest Florida Fishing Resources for Female Anglers
Share what you know and living in Southwest Florida, here are a few fishing resources to help female anglers gain confidence and get out on the water to catch the big one. Or at least, reel in their first catch.
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Things to do in Berlin: Walking in the Woods with a Pack of Dogs
A walk in a German forest with a man and his pack of dogs sounds like the beginning of a Lifetime movie and not necessarily the one with a happy ending. Meeting a man I have never met in a forest, in another country really seems like a bad idea. Add to that 15 dogs I never met and it seems like an even worse idea. Doing this goes against all common sense as a solo traveler. But, this is one of the things I did in Berlin and it turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life!
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Goats. Yoga. Beer. Yup. Together They are a Thing with Goat Yoga Tampa
My goat yoga experience was like my in-home Pilates workouts. At home, when I lay down to begin the workout, my 45-pound dog jumps on my stomach thinking it is playtime. Similarly, during goat yoga, while on my back about to begin a magical yoga pose, a 40-pound goat jumped on my stomach. The difference […]
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