Month: March 2015

Eating in Thailand: Beetles, Crickets and Grasshoppers. Yum!
“Mmm. It’s kind of nutty and creamy,” I said after chomping down a roasted silk worm cocoon in Chiang Khan in the Loei province.
As the group I was traveling with walked to dinner, we admired the street vendors roasting a variety of food. Over dancing flames I saw skewers of octopi, legs of chickens, and little balls of meat in which I assume was pork.
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Travel to Thailand: How Sweet it Is. Maphrao Kaew Made in Loei
“We like sweet things,” my guide said as the group stopped at a small maphrao kaew factory in Chiang Khan located in Thailand’s northeast province of Loei, “Because coconut is not sweet enough,” she added while laughing. Maphroe kaew is coconut strips cooked in melted sugar to create a deliciously sweet treat.
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Bangkok’s Governor Welcomes TBEX Travel Bloggers to Bangkok
“On behalf of the people of Bangkok…we welcome all of you to Bangkok.” You know you’re part of something big when a governor shows up at an event to welcome attendees. That’s what happened when Bangkok’s Governor, Mr. Sukhumbhand Paribatra, welcomed organizers and bloggers for the Oct. 15 – 17, 2015, TBEX Asia Conference (Travel […]
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My 48-Hour Love Affair With Pittsburgh During a Winter Freeze
It just took 48 hours to fall in love with Pittsburgh. Sure, one of those mornings it was 3 degrees, but during my quick visit I found so many things to love about the Steel City.
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Sunsets Recharge My Batteries in Charlotte County, Florida
I ain’t gonna lie. The last four weeks have been a big, burly bear I feel as though I’ve been fighting alone. Being the eternal optimist, I’ve been finding time to let the sunsets recharge my soul in my backyard of Charlotte County, Fla.
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Ramp Picking Weekend at The Arnold House in the Catskills, April 18 – 20, 2015
Oh, boy. Sure wish I could participate in the Inaugural Ramp Picking Weekend at The Arnold House in the Catskills, April 18 – 20, 2015. Ramps are new in my culinary world and I consider them one of those trendy veggies for the hipster crowd. Have you tasted ramps?
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I Spit in a Vial All in the Name of Research for the AncestryDNA Test
Who do I think I am? AncestryDNA helped me figure that out. When it comes down to genealogy, I thought I knew who I was based on what my family told me over the years. My father’s side is German with possible Austrian while my mother’s is Irish and Slovakian.
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