Month: September 2020

Budget Travel with Red Roof Discounts Through 2020
- Solo Travel Girl
- September 27, 2020
- budget travel
- Red Roof Discounts
Are you comfortable traveling? If so, here’s a budget travel tip, Red Roof is offering discounted rates through the end of 2020. Read on for details…
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What to do When You See a Gopher Tortoise in Florida
- Solo Travel Girl
- September 9, 2020
- gopher tortoise
What do you do when you see a gopher tortoise in Florida? The first thing is to congratulate yourself because seeing one is a special experience. Here are other reasons why.
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I Bought an Entry into the Candyman’s Gold Ticket Treasure Hunt. Now What?
- Solo Travel Girl
- September 9, 2020
- the gold ticket
- travel to Georgia
- treasure hunt
I think we can all agree, 2020 is a weird, strange year. This is why I did not hesitate spending $49.98 to buy an entry into the Candyman’s Gold Ticket treasure hunt. So now what?
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Things to do in Nevada: Historic Rhyolite Ghost Town
One of the cool things to do in Nevada is visiting historic Rhyolite, a ghost town. Complete with building ruins and a bottle house!
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Sea Turtle Patrol with Volunteers on Englewood Beach
- Solo Travel Girl
- September 2, 2020
- Englewood Beach
- sea turtles
Each morning between mid-April through October, Coastal Wildlife Club Sea Patrol volunteers walk Charlotte County’s beaches looking for new sea turlte nests or hatchings.
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