Month: April 2018

Traveling Solo to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
If you were give an airline ticket to visit any place in the world, where would you go? Traveling to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, was a big check off my bucket list and don’t think it would have ever happened without the assistance of Turkish Airlines. See, in October 2015 they ran a campaign launching new air service between Miami and Istanbul, Turkey.
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Getting Social With NASA Changed My Life
I’ll never forget my first time. The ground shook beneath my feet. A roar rumbled in my gut. Goosebumps tingled over my skin. I stood in awe watching rockets push away from the launchpad and skyrocket into the sky. The year was 2011 and I witnessed the final launch of space shuttle Endeavour and the second-to-last space shuttle launch before the National Aeronautics and Space Administration ended the program.
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Has the Outdoor World Abandoned YETI Because of Fake News?
- Jenn
- April 24, 2018
I have to wonder, how is the NRA benefiting by spreading misleading information? I wonder how much money they received in donations over the weekend. Will anyone who believed the NRA release and now knows the other side feel betrayed and continue to believe them?
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That Time I Traveled Solo to Kansas City, Missouri
Traveling solo to Kansas City wasn’t my original intention when planning to attend BlogPaws, the pet bloggers’ conference earlier this month. I was hoping for an adventurous road trip with my dog Radcliff. As the conference date grew near, I did the math and decided it was more economical to fly on Allegiant nonstop from Punta Gorda into Kansas City and leave Radcliff with his pet sitter rather than driving two or three days each way.
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Florida Travel: Do You Call it Soda or Pop? Either Way, Sip it During the Sebring Soda Festival!
Do you call it soda or pop? Either way, sip it in Sebring during Florida’s Fizziest Festivals, the Sebring Soda Festival, April 2 – 3, 2021.
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Circle the Center With New Travel Guidebook About Florida’s Labyrinth
Those who love Florida and venturing off-the-beaten path will be thrilled with the new travel guidebook by award-winning author Lucy Tobias. Titled Circle the Center: Labyrinths in Florida, Lucy traveled throughout Florida and either walked or contacted more than 130 labyrinths and selected 95 for the book. She walked most solo but sometimes her adorable corgi Obi joined her.
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