Month: January 2016

Surrendering My Superwoman Status to Become an Average Jane
I’m surrendering my Superwoman status in order to become an Average Jane. Being Superwoman doesn’t build and nourish relationships, pay the bills, enhance personal health, create happiness or even get you a pat on the back.
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Eathai: Eating Thai Street Food in Bangkok Without Eating Off the Street
When I told my friend I wanted to eat crickets off some food cart in the middle of a Bangkok street, I knew I was pushing his comfort zone. I compromised and told him I wanted to try street food one night but he didn’t want any of that. As resourceful as he is, he had a solution, Eathai Food Court at Central Embassy, one of several luxury shopping malls in Bangkok.
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Florida Foodie Alert! Clearwater Beach Uncorked is Feb. 6 – 7, 2016
‘Tis the season to dive into Florida food festival season and I’m looking forward to the fifth annual Clearwater Beach Uncorked, Feb. 6 – 7, 2016. Kick off your shoes and dip your toes in the powder soft sand of Clearwater Beach while enjoying hours of grazing on delicious bites, sipping wine and craft brews, […]
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#VikingSocial: Drinking Bacon-Like Beer in Bamberg, Germany
“Mmm, it kinda tastes like bacon,” I said to my sister as we sampled three beers in Bamberg, Germany, “and I bet it would be delicious with bloody mary mix.”
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