Day: July 8, 2013

Cool Stuff Others are Doing
Girl Power
Why Are Women So Mean to Each Other?
My question is rhetorical and doubt in my lifetime it’ll change but I just don’t get why women are so mean to each other. I grew up a tomboy. The only girls I had to play with in my neighborhood were my sisters who were a bit younger. Neighborhood kids my age were boys, all four of them plus my brother, and it seemed I always related to boys. I understood them up until our teen years then they morphed into creatures I still don’t understand.
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Cool Stuff Others are Doing
Health & Beauty
Health & Beauty: After 8 Weeks, Seeing is Believing with Fysiko Lash Growth Serum
Time flies when you’re having fun and I can’t believe I’m already halfway through testing Fysiko Lash Growth Serum. Yesterday I finished up week 8 of the 16-week program to grow longer, thicker lashes and I’m definitely seeing some thickening.
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