Tuning Up My Twitter-Friendly Vocabulary for the NASA Tweetup

NASA Logo. (PRNewsFoto/NASA)
NASA Logo. (PRNewsFoto/NASA)

Say what you will, but Twitter is a literary art form. I love the challenge of crafting something informative and entertaining in 140 characters or less. Sadly, I haven’t done that lately and my tweets have been purely informative and a bit boring.

While conversing with NASA Tweetup folks yesterday about something totally different @ageekmom replied with an intriguing tweet.

She said:

“Let’s just say you will VERY QUICKLY run out of positive superlatives while attending #NASATweetup!”

Inspiration to Improve my Vocabulary for NASA Tweetup
Inspiration to Improve my Vocabulary for NASA Tweetup

Hmm. She’s participated in a NASA Tweetup before so she knows the ropes. I’ve decided to take this on as a challenge: to expand my vocabulary for the NASA Tweetup I’ll soon be attending. (For space shuttle Endeavour’s final launch, Tweetup is April 28 – 29, 2011.) Not necessarily with superlatives but by incorporating colorful adjectives to articulate the awesomeness of what I’m experiencing in an entertaining, yet informative way. And, in 140 characters or less.

I have begun compiling a list of potential adjectives for my tweets so I don’t seem repetitive in what I’m sharing with followers. Feel free to share your favorite adjectives I should have in my NASA Tweetup dictionary. Oh, and keep it “G” rated.

My NASA Tweetup Dictionary
breathtaking (not in the Seinfeld reference)
fabulous (fab)
radical (rad)

NASA Logo Source: NASA



Jennifer A. Huber is an award-winning travel and outdoor blogger and writer in Southwest Florida. Originally from Buffalo, N.Y., a hiking trail led her to a career path in the tourism industry for more than 30 years. She spent a decade with a park management company in Yellowstone, Death Valley, and Everglades National Parks. She founded the travel blog, SoloTravelGirl.com with the goal of inspiring others to travel alone, not lonely. The unexpected death of her former husband in 2008 reminded her how short life is. His passing was a catalyst for sharing her experiences with the goal of inspiring and empowering others to travel solo. Jennifer holds a Travel Marketing Professional certification from the Southeast Tourism Society, is a certified food judge, member of the NASA Social community, and alum of the FBI Citizens Academy. When not traveling, she is either in the kitchen, practicing her photography skills, or road tripping with her dog, Radcliff.

One thought on “Tuning Up My Twitter-Friendly Vocabulary for the NASA Tweetup”

  1. [From Twitter] – I adore it! There are a few to add: life-affirming, humbling, stellar. PS: You’ll still run out! 😉

    There will also be moments when you are left, completely and utterly, without words. It’s a surreal feeling to have, given you’re at one of the few events in life — a tweetup — where constant tweeting is not only accepted, it’s encouraged!

    I wish you, and all of the STS-134 NASA Tweetup “crew”, a most amazing time in Florida! Go Endeavour!

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