It’s been a long time since I last visited Buffalo, N.Y.’s Broadway Market, the city’s beloved ethnic food market since 1888. When my great-grandmother traveled up from New York City to Buffalo by train in the 1950s to visit family, she enjoyed shopping the market because she could speak Slovack with vendors.
As a kid, I fondly remember visiting during Easter time (1970s and 1980s) and the thrill was seeing butter-shaped lambs. Returning to the market days before Christmas with adult eyes, some culinary delights I saw included placek bread, fresh polish sausage, smoked turkey butts and soul food.

The Eastern European dialects of yesteryear no longer fill the market and there were fewer vendors than I recall but it still seems like the best place for fresh meats, baked goods and Buffalo-centric goodies.
Before the visit, I hadn’t given much thought to turkey butts and never thought about eating one but there they were, a gaggle of smoked turkey butts sitting between raw pigs feet and smoked pig tails at the Lupas Meats counter. Although I didn’t bring back a butt or two to sample, they appeared to be a popular item as I watched hungry customers taking them home.

What did my family I leave the Broadway Market with? Holiday Polish sausage, a jar of famous ground horseradish, pierogies, and sweet baked goods. Mmm, mmm.

The Broadway Market
999 Broadway
Buffalo, N.Y. 14212
Tel: (716) 893-0705
The food market is open year-round, Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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