I’m a geeky traveler and don’t leave home without essentials as digital camera, iPhone, Flip video camera, GPS, laptop and all the cords required to keep everything juiced up. I also like to travel with carry-on bags so having lightweight luggage is key, since it reduces my “Grapes of Wrath” appearance and saves my back.

Yes, I realize there are those experienced travelers who look down on travelers like me who opt to carry-on my lightweight luggage when they check everything but their wallet and smart phone. But I’m a good carry-on luggage passenger, I’m not one who smacks other passengers with my bags or seeks assistance stowing them. I’m quick and efficient and guarantee I am not the one blocking the aisle and slowing down the loading process.
My reasoning for having my bags with me is that it makes me flexible to travel on the fly, especially with missed connections. Everyone knows TSA has that rule you need to fly with your luggage (except when the airlines lose your luggage!) so when they’re in hand, grabbing the first available flight is much easier.
My friends Become is a resource to find luggage of all types by scouring the Internet for the best deals and allows site visitors to comparison shop just about everything ranging from home and garden items to travel gear. It’s been a while since I’ve shopped for luggage and I’m excited about the cute and fashionable lightweight luggage available these days.
Thank you to Become for supporting my traveling habit.
I totally agree with you. Carrying on your luggage is the smart way to travel because of several reasons. One, you have to pack light since there is limited space available. Two, your luggage is safe from theft, damage, delay, or misrouting. Three, you save yourself the hassle of waiting endlessly for your bag at the airport carousel. And finally, last I checked, airlines hadn’t started charging for them like they do for checked-in luggage. I have decided I am only going to travel with carry-on luggage from now on and even placed an order for this 22” BRX upright from Briggs & Riley. I’ll test it out on my trip to Niagara Falls in a month or two.