I haven’t read “Fifty Shades of Grey,” have never seen the Chippendales, nor have I ever attended a bachelorette party with male strippers (or female for that matter). My narrow world was opened a little more after seeing the reaction of the female audience attending 50 Shades! The Musical. They howled, catcalled and whistled so I’m guessing I now have an idea of what it’s like attending one of the before mentioned events. Although crude, the 69-minute musical is a hilarious parody of the Fifty Shades of Grey book series.
This performance is no place for those easily offended or embarrassed. (And I thought Jerry Springer: The Opera pushed the limits.) The last time I heard the F-bomb dropped in such a short period of time was when my father made me turn the channel when we were watching The Breakfast Club on cable back when I was a teenager.

I won’t give away the plot but it revolves around three women who read “Fifty Shades” for their book club and the story bounces between the women and the book’s storyline. And boy, does it poke fun at it. For those of you familiar with the series, Christian Grey, the handsome, dominant leading man in the book series. In the musical parody, Christian is short, portly dark-haired man. [Sidebar: Ok, I’ll admit to trying to read the book after seeing the musical but I haven’t been able to continue past chapter four. Let’s just say this book isn’t going to win any literary awards.]
The best line was from female lead Anastasia who says something to the effect of, “This is real life, Christian. It isn’t a book. If it were it’d be terrible!”
The raunchy performance rolled into Sarasota, Fla.’s Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall last month and was a great excuse for a girls’ night out. Happy, lively women from a variety of backgrounds dominated the audience and a handful of men – perhaps it was date night – laughed along with their dates.
Following the show, cast members met with fans for those Facebook photo moments to cherish for a lifetime. If you’re looking for a good time, grab your gal pals and see 50 Shades! The Musical. Visit their website to see if the performance will be coming to a theater near you.
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