Month: April 2017

Awesome Wonder Woman Jewelry and More
Looking for awesome Wonder Woman jewelry? C’mon. Don’t make me use the Golden Lasso on you to tell the truth! I have a hunch, when you were a kid, you were a fan of Wonder Woman, too.
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Mad Mo is Paving the Way for Girls in Pro Monster Trucks
Morgan Matheny is like most teenagers. The 14-year-old attends public school in Central Florida, plays basketball, and aspires to pursue a medical career. When not in school, chances are she’s buckled into Demolition Diva as her alter ego Mad Mo, paving the way for girls in pro monster trucks.
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Giveaway: $50 Amazon Gift Card to Celebrate Release of Women Innovators Vol. 3
Solo Travel Girl’s 8th anniversary is May 1, 2017, and to celebrate, I’m hosting a $50 Gift Card Giveaway! Time sure does fly when you are having fun and I certainly have had some fun traveling and blogging over the years.
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A Truck, A Cat and a Single Woman’s Drive to Retire in Mexico
I’ve been told many times I’m brave but really, I’m not. But, you want to know who in my life was brave? My friend Barb who packed up her truck and cat to retire in Mexico. She was a strong, brave woman and although I am not going to share her challenges and triumphs, I will share with you her journey south to retire in Mexico.
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