Month: January 2010
Wordless Wednesday: Blustery Buffalo
Sorry for the iPhone photo but you get the idea: Just another winter day in Blustery Buffalo. So what do Western New Yorkers do to escape the cold? Eat, for one. Here’s a list of some of my favorite Buffalo foods.
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Dying Alone on the Airport Concourse
Vacations and traveling are usually happy occasions but have you thought what would happy if you died while traveling? Making my connection at Chicago Midway for Buffalo last week I saw something unexpected: a man dying on the concourse.
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SATW Institute: Mind is Swimming
I returned from the SATW Institute of Travel Writing & Photography this evening and my mind is swimming with ideas. I first attended five years ago and while some things have remained the same in the travel writing industry (i.e.: networking, protecting work, pitching an editor), much has changed.
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SATW Institute Packing List
Less than 48 hours from now I’ll be heading to Orlando to participate in the 15th Annual SATW Institute for Travel Writing & Photography for the weekend. I attended in May 2005 and am really looking forward to learning about the changes in travel writing since then, especially in technology.
Continue ReadingWordless Wednesday: Happy Birthday, Grandma
My grandma would have been 87-years-old yesterday but she passed away a year ago. Her final wish was to have her ashes dispersed in the Gulf of Mexico (although at one point she wanted her ashes placed in the trash so no one would have to worry about what to do with her) and family […]
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Table for One: Is Everyone Watching?
Perhaps the most awkward solo dining moment I’ve experienced was during my great San Francisco to Seattle solo road trip in 2007 when dining at Mt. Rainier’s National Park Inn restaurant. The dining room was practically empty and rather than seating me in a four-top table against the wall or window, was seated smack-dab in the middle of the dining room at a round, six-top.
Continue ReadingTSA Pat-Downs Could Be Worse
There’s been a lot of media attention over TSA’s new security measures for international flights into the U.S. You can read TSA’s statement about those procedures here. Basically, passengers flying into the U.S. from or through 14 high-risk nations (i.e.: state sponsors of terrorism) are to receive the thorough, full-body pat-downs along with search of […]
Continue ReadingWordless Wednesday: Everglades Footprints
Having just finished a 4,000+ word essay on living in the Everglades to be considered for an antholgoy about living and working in national parks, I’m in a mellow, national park mood. Photo was taken at Eco Pond at Flamingo. Enjoy
Continue Reading2009: A Year Without International Travel
2009 was the first year in a long time, perhaps nine years, that my travels didn’t take me abroad. I didn’t even visit Canada! Although my work travel was reduced, the stupid recession really cramped my traveling style this year. Can’t change time but can look forward to new adventures in 2010, my decade. I […]
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