Today I began a year-long video project called the “Grandma B Memories Project.” Everyday for a year, I’ll read responses and perhaps offer my commentary to what my Grandma Bednar shared with me in a journal several years ago. These daily video clips will be posted to Solo Travel Girl’s Facebook page. Either weekly or monthly I’ll compile the clips and post them to my YouTube channel.
“You don’t need to get me anything,” was my Grandma B’s response whenever I asked what she wanted for her birthday or Christmas.
She was always a giving person who put the needs of others before her own. One year, and I can’t remember the occasion, I gave her a journal called Grandma, Tell Me Your Memories. It prompts the user – my Grandma – to answer a question about their childhood.

It took her at least a couple of years to complete the journal and upon completion, I didn’t read it with the intention of reading it after she passed away. She left this Earth in Feb. 2009 and although I’ve read bits I haven’t read all of her entries. For some questions she wrote a brief paragraph. For other entries she didn’t write anything. I’m regretting not having read her responses when she was alive because I have questions for some of her responses.
We were close. I was her first grandchild and she was my primary family in Florida. Her passing was difficult for me and I shared some of that in this blog entry and this one.
Why Share This Now?
I was searching my drawers for something else (a necklace I still can’t find!), came across the journal and began reading. I decided to begin sharing now rather than waiting for Jan. 1 to begin. After all, new beginnings happen at any hour and any day of the week.
Why Share This At All?
Well, I’m primarily creating and sharing the videos so my family and people who knew her can learn more about her life. In an I-need-to-show-off-right-now society (you used to have to wait for some sort of reunion to do that, now, the evolution of social media channels makes this immediate) I think it’s important to remember there are many dimensions to people and everyone on this Earth has value. She was my grandmother but she was also much more than that. I also believe in learning how to enhance living in the now and improving the future by learning from the past.
Thanks for following!
And what 21st century project isn’t complete without a hashtag? #GBMProject
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