I’m sharing this experience because I think it was more than a coincidence and a message, or something, from the other side. Or maybe not. For the last few years on Memorial Day, I visit the Sarasota National Cemetery but first visit my grandfather’s grave in Sarasota to ensure he has an American flag. He served in the Coast Guard during WWII.

Although I visit his grave each year, I still need help finding it. Like every other visit, I stop in the office and ask for a map showing the exact location. Well, I couldn’t read the map, get my bearings and began walking carefully through the cemetery, trying to find his headstone.
A family of four sandhill cranes were strutting about and I half-jokingly said, “Okay cranes, are you going to lead me to his grave?”

I watched the two adult and two juvenile cranes strut to vases and dip their beaks in and drink the water. Sometimes two at a time would have their beaks in a vase while the other two watched on. I followed them for several yards when I looked down and saw my grandfather’s headstone.
Tears began flowing from my eyes. I’ve been a ball of emotions lately and felt the floodgates of relief open. Without question, those sandhill cranes led me there. Or did they? Was it simply a coincidence? Two cranes stared at me while the other two went about their business finding water. I thanked the two standing there and they went on their way.

I realize not everyone is on the same page but I do believe in a Higher Power and our loved ones who have transitioned to the other side find ways to communicate with us. At the exact moment my former husband passed away, I felt a warm hug embracing me and waking me up. I didn’t learn of his passing and time until later in the day and can attribute that “warm hug moment” as his spirit saying goodbye to me.

Cranes symbolize many things including eternal life, freedom, fidelity and happiness. They were easy to spot in the cemetery and I let them guide me. I wonder about other symbols and signs I may have missed because I’ve been too busy thinking about the past or worrying about the future rather than living in the moment.
Have you had anything like this happen to you?
That’s awesome. Love sandhill cranes. We used to see them a lot in Florida. Aloha from Hawaii. I discovered about 20 comments from the A to Z Challenge 2013 that were in my spam folder in Disqus. Yikes. This prompted me to review all of my comments and see if I had reciprocated the ones from the 3 A-Z Challenges. Oh my. So, I’m visiting today and I remember your blog from before. I’m glad you’re still blogging. Courtney – Maui Jungalow blog.