Change can be heavy but it’s good.
“You’re in the beginning of your seventh year. Of course everything will be okay,” the medium at Florida’s Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp told me after I asked, “Will I find a place to live in Tallahassee?”
The Seven-Year Cycle
The “seventh year” he was referring was my age. I was 35 years old and had just accepted a job in Tallahassee. Apparently, life cycles in seven-year increments and new beginnings happen to us every seven-ish years or so. My life had already flipped from a premature mid-life crisis and although I was doing something I was very much experienced, running away in search of greener grass, I was a bit stressed as to whether I’d find a place to live.
It was the first and last time I had a reading with a medium. I was committed for an hour and within the first five minutes I learned everything I needed to know and wondered we would talk about for the remainder 55 minutes.
That was nearly 10 years ago. I made the move from Sarasota to Tallahassee just fine, returned to Southwest Florida more than six years ago and launched this blog five years ago. Which leads me to this blog post.
Letting Go of My Baby
I’m relatively early in my next seven-year-cycle and it’s time for change. No, I have no plans in moving or leaving my day job. It’s time to change this blog because I’ve become a believer in what’s tossed out to the Universe sticks. This has been a difficult decision but one I need to make. In a way, this blog has been my persona and life for the last five years.
Am I being selfish? Probably. But honestly, I haven’t been selfish enough. Life is too short.
Several months ago I purchased Darren Rowse’s (ProBlogger) “31 Days to Build a Better Blog” because I was gung-ho to revamp my baby. Despite my enthusiasm, I’ve been stuck on the first task and can’t move forward.
Why? It was the smack of reality. Do I like being Solo Travel Girl?
When I launched this blog in 2009, I did so because I was finding myself traveling alone, not lonely and wanted to share my personal experiences and knowledge of Florida and tourism industry. I had seen what influence my Tallahassee blog had and was hoping Solo Travel Girl would lead to a full-time gig. Plus, with the sudden death of my former husband, I was focused on experiencing as much of life as I could.
My Struggles
Although I’m a marketer, I have difficulty promoting myself. Blogging and social media have been full-time gigs but the ones benefiting are the marketers, public relations representatives and their clients. My IRS returns can attest, my bank account is not benefiting.
Yes, I believe everyone needs to pay their dues and sure, I’ve been given once-in-a-lifetime opportunities and fun products to review. Reality is, FPL won’t accept a postcard in exchange for keeping the air conditioning on another month.
Honestly, it’s been difficult to blog lately. I want to have a social life, yet I have a full-time day job that sometimes requires more than a standard Monday through Friday, 9 – 5 gig. I also feel committed to sifting through my inbox through an insane number of PR pitches, which stresses me out sometimes. I’m sorry PR people. I know you have a job to do but I just don’t have the time to reply to your honeymoon with babies pitch. Have you read the title of this blog???
And I’m sorry to those who have done their research. Every once in a while, I spot a squirrel in my inbox which distracts me from finishing my commitments to other partners.
I could ramble on but let me get to the point.
What’s Thrown Out to the Universe…
As I’ve grown older and what I believe to be wiser, I’ve been putting my faith more in the Universe. I have a better understanding life isn’t two dimensional or black and white. Based on first-hand experiences, I’m learning there’s a whole lot of gray out there and beyond.
I’ve heard how God and/or the Universe will always provide what you need and you’ll never give you more than you can handle. As I’ve mellowed out with age and based on what I’ve worked for and have been gifted, I sincerely believe this more and more.
Believe me, with an education in science, this all sounds pretty hokey to me, too, but I’ve reached a stage in my life where I’m just embracing it. That’s the beauty of being 40+, you’ve been gifted with the “I don’t give a f**k” gene.
And Doors to Open
From first-hand experiences, I logically know when one door closes another opens even though it may take a bit to find the right key. Sometimes, emotional baggage makes it difficult to close that door especially when darkness hides the handle to the next one. It took me a bit, but with a little squinting I saw the light shining through the next door’s keyhole.
It’s Unofficial!
Consider this the unofficial notice Solo Travel Girl will be growing up. It’s not that I have that feminism belief that being called a woman a “girl” is demeaning, I never jumped on the burn-the-bra bandwagon (do you know how expensive a good bra is?), it’s just time to move on.
As to what the next phase looks like, I have a rough sketch and when I’m ready to share, you’ll know. Although I love my tagline, “traveling alone, not lonely,” I no longer want to be pigeonholed by the Universe.
When will this happen? I have no clue other than “soon.”
I’m working on finalizing posts from the past year’s trips. I’ll continue to write and will get back to hosting my “Chew with Jenn” Google+ Hangouts. I’m looking forward to writing from the gut and heart again. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll get going on those books I want to write.
Thank You.
Thanks for reading and your support. It means a lot.
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