Twenty years ago a few friends decided to swim across the Peace River in Southwest Florida to celebrate Independence Day. They heard the activity was a rite of passage for local high school kids and called it the Charlotte Harbor Freedom Swim. Today, it’s evolved into something affectionately describe as a gloriously unorganized blobblefest where hundreds of adventurers either swim, float or paddle about 1.5 miles from Charlotte Harbor to Fishermen’s Village in Punta Gorda.

There is no registration fee, there are no rules other than exercising common sense and it’s not a race. Some participants swim in patriotic attire while others take it seriously with high-tech swimwear. When floating, some choose foam noodles or neon bright inner tubes while dragging coolers of beverages. For paddlers, some choose canoes, kayaks or paddleboards.

I swam in the Freedom Swim in 2008, not sure where I was in 2009, was sick in 2010 and this year I rented a kayak from Charlotte Harbor-based It’s Time Canoe & Kayak (Tel: 941-255-3686). I parked my car at Fishermen’s Village then walked about 2 miles to the launch point, paddled across the river and dropped the kayak off at Fishermen’s Village Marina which was great being able to paddle one way.

It’s great fun and hope to see you for the 21st Annual Charlotte Harbor Swim!
Enjoy these images and disregard the funky look. My iPhone was in a waterproof case causing some distortion.

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