If you’ve ever connected with someone during your travels, felt a spark, then lost touch and down the road wondered “what if,” listen up. A major cable network series is NOW casting for a TV show to give missed travel connections a second chance at love.
They are seeking people of all ages and although they’re looking to make all types of love connections, they are specifically looking for people who met while traveling then lost touch.
The unnamed show is intended to be a feel-good show with a host to root people along the journey and help them build the courage to put their feelings out there to find the answer to their “what if” question.
TV Show Casting
Maybe you’ve met someone who made your heart pitter-patter while serving in the Peace Corps. Or, perhaps you met a special someone while hiking along hundreds of miles along the Appalachian Trail. Or, maybe you’re looking to connect with a guy you dated while studying abroad in Europe.
Living in the technology age it’s not as difficult to find someone but not everyone has a digital footprint so having the assistance of a production crew may help you find that lost connection.
I don’t have details about the network, what the TV show is called or the host but here’s the information they sent me.
Did you have an instant electric connection with someone you just met – and then never see them again?
Is there an epic crush you’ve lost touch with but still think about and wonder “what if”?
Do you still regret messing up your shot with the perfect girl back when you were young and irresponsible?
A new TV series for a major cable network is setting out to give missed connections a second chance!
If there’s a special someone you want to track down – but need help finding them and finding the courage to reach out to them – we can help!
Email us ASAP at FindLostLoves@gmail.com with your story of how you missed your chance at what might have been love.

Did I Have a Missed Connection?
I’m a hopeless romantic, or just brainwashed by watching too many soap operas when growing up, and frequently wonder about “what if.” For instance, while going through some boxes of my past, I came across a letter written by a young hotel guest. He was handsome, dark-haired and probably in his late-20s. He was riding his bike through Death Valley on a cross-country journey. It was September and being sympathetic to his journey (and admiring the grueling trip he was making in the freakin’ Death Valley heat), I gave him a sweet rate on plush accommodations at the Furnace Creek Inn.
He offered to take me to dinner that night and I declined. When I arrived for work the next day, I found a lovely note from him thanking me. It also included his phone number and address in Boston. Was he just being nice or could it have led to something else?
BTW – I have Googled the telephone number and address with dead end results and I can’t read or remember his name.
If you apply, good luck!
Do you have a missed connection and wonder “what if?”