things to do on Sanibel

Table for One: Is Everyone Watching?
Perhaps the most awkward solo dining moment I’ve experienced was during my great San Francisco to Seattle solo road trip in 2007 when dining at Mt. Rainier’s National Park Inn restaurant. The dining room was practically empty and rather than seating me in a four-top table against the wall or window, was seated smack-dab in the middle of the dining room at a round, six-top.
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“Well, you have the kayaks until 5 o’clock …to get out of here turn left at the exit…have fun!” These were the departing words of Lewis, a guide with Tarpon Bay Explorers as he paddled away leaving our small group somewhere in the J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge. That somewhere was the end of […]
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“Head to Jerry’s and in aisle six you’ll find the repellent.” The front desk clerk of the Holiday Inn Beach Resort, Sanibel Island, Fla., did precede this with, “Welcome” but followed the salutation with, “You’re from Florida, you know about no-see-ums.” Um, yes, I live in Florida but didn’t think I needed to worry about […]
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