From A to Z, what are the characteristics of a solo travel girl? This lovely lady is lovable, level-headed and limber!
Lovable – Whether single or in a committed relationship, the solo travel girl embraces unconditional love. The singleton gal is always on the lookout for love and knows someday it will swoop her up by surprise. She’s oftentimes tempted by flirtatious advances during her journeys yet always remains a lady.
Level-Headed – Even in the most chaotic situations, this likeable vagabond is known to keep her sensibility about her. Having missed her connection to meet up with her group to travel to Afghanistan, this gal impressed her travel agent when she used common sense to travel from Paris to Dubai to Kabul without his assistance.
As for navigating Kabul’s customs process after 48 hours of travel, she found the best way to tackle it was stepping back to assess the craziness, attempt to push through the men blocking her and look sympathetically into the eyes of an Afghan customs agent who pulled her through. Surveying the crowd around the luggage belt, she found the most kind-looking person and politely asked to use his cell phone and eventually met up with her group.
Limber – Jack may be nimble and his claim to fame is jumping over a candlestick but the STG is flexible enough to sit in an economy coach airline seat for 10 hours. She can adjust her mindset to any situation ranging from kayaking in the day to rubbing elbows with a former British Prime Minister in the evening.
Are you a solo travel girl? What other qualities beginning with the letter “L” can be attributed to a solo travel girl?
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This post is part of the 2013 Blogging A to Z Challenge.
Traveling alone can be awesome! You see what you want, when you want. I’m jealous!
A to Z buddy
Peanut Butter and Whine