The fair! The fair! I love county fairs and the Charlotte County Fair in Port Charlotte kicked off over the weekend and for the first time since living here, I finally had a chance to get my fair fix. Tonight was $1 admission plus FREE parking. Awesome for a single gal’s budget.
Yes, I Ate Deep-Fried Butter
The headline of this post pretty much indicates what I ate and let’s just say, I rushed home, drank a gallon of water and ate lots of vegetables. The “in” fried fair food on a stick this year is “deep-fried butter.”
Now, I know what you’re picturing, licking your lips and gagging done a bite of golden fried beer-battered stick of butter. It’s a scene I can’t even imagine butter-loving celebrity Southern chef Paula Deen trying.

But really, it wasn’t *that* bad and nothing what I imagined it would taste. I asked the gal at the booth to explain it to me.
“It’s a half a stick of butter dipped in a batter,” she said. The batter also has sugar (maybe cinnamon) then is deep-fried and drizzled with icing. She explained the butter melts into the batter so it’s more like a buttery French toast on a stick.

Don’t Tell Your Doctor
“People are afraid to eat it because they think they’re taking a bite out of a stick of butter,” she then told them. And that’s when the trigger in my head said, “YES! Try it!”
By telling me some people are “afraid” to eat it, I was determined to be the minority and brave a deep-fried stick of butter. After all, I’ve eaten a Teriyak flavored mealworm and cricket and rationed I could double up (maybe for a week) on my Omega-3.
“It’s something you shouldn’t tell your doctor you ate,” and we both agreed on that.

As soon as I pierced the fried dough with the plastic fork, melted butter oozed from the hotdog-shaped stick yet the dough didn’t soak up as much as I thought. It kind of just pooled up in the bottom of the basket begging for me to soak it up by dipping the golden-fried dough.
The gal was right, it did taste like buttery French toast and no, I didn’t eat the whole thing. I really couldn’t subject my body to all that concentrated fat. Apparently a half stick of butter has more than 800 calories and that’s without the batter.
I’ve tried fried Oreos and Coke, what will come next? Have you ever had deep-fried butter?
I haven’t tried deep-fried butter, but I have tried deep-fried Twinkies. I didn’t think I’d be such a fan because I don’t like plain Twinkies very much. But, man, it was good. Just proves everything tastes better when it’s deep-fried!
Yes! Deep-fried makes anything better – suppose that’s why deep-fried pickles taste good, too