There’s been a lot of media attention over TSA’s new security measures for international flights into the U.S. You can read TSA’s statement about those procedures here. Basically, passengers flying into the U.S. from or through 14 high-risk nations (i.e.: state sponsors of terrorism) are to receive the thorough, full-body pat-downs along with search of carry-on luggage.
What I find interesting is how media outlets seem to be portraying the procedures as new. Plus, most people seeing broadcasts showing reporters receiving pat-downs for the cameras, won’t have the privilege of receiving one, unless traveling from or through one of those high-risk countries (i.e.: Afghanistan).
Am I the only one who’s received a full-body pat-down prior to December’s underwear bomber? And I’m not referring to my trip home from Kabul. Stateside I’ve received full-body pat-downs and yeah, they’re a bit invasive but not the end of the world.
Besides, things could be worse. TSA could be asking us to take off our underwear. Why? Thanks to shoe bomber Richard Reid we need to take off our shoes – even flip-flops – when passing through airport security. Be thankful we get to keep on our undies when flying the friendly skies… at least for now.