Giddy as a schoolgirl, I entered the wardrobe filled with over-sized winter coats to exit out the other side into a magical world. It was SNOWING . Slowly, I turned around taking in all the movie memorabilia from The Chronicles of Narnia as the “snow” piled upon my hair.
You can have this experience too, when visiting the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Ala.,and checking out The Chronicles of Narnia The Exhibition between now and January 5, 2011. Worried about the snow cramping (dampening) your style? Don’t worry, it’s not real snow but like glitter, you may end up finding tiny pieces in your luggage five years from now. The artificial snow is finely processed paper.
What You’ll See During The Chronicles of Narnia: The Exhibition
The exhibit includes a collection of C.S. Lewis’ personal artifacts, touch an ice wall, visit an area featuring King Miraz’s Castle where you can build an arch and learn about architecture design, toss a “stone” with a catapult, and view movie memorabilia from the three films.

The kid in me took it all in, although I admit to never have seen any of the films. *gasp*! I know. Will definitely need to check these out, especially after seeing and learning more about King Caspian and Queen Susan.
Exhibition guides are pretty awesome. As one told me, many worked on the Star Wars traveling exhibit installed earlier this year and a geek can make a transition from one geeky film to another. Hmm. Makes sense. Anyway, if you want to know anything about Narnia, just grab a guide and they’d be happy to share. Trust me. I learned more about Queen Susan’s connection to daffodils than I knew possible. Albeit, pretty cool trivia.
Touch the ice wall in the White Witch section. Human’s impact on climate by altering landscape and using resources is discussed in this area. Yes, my friends. This just isn’t a traveling exhibition to feed pop culture but most exhibits tie in some sort of science so kids (and adults) can relate.
Adults, more than children, will probably be enchanted with arch building. The experience was neat and satisfying. Without giving it away, who knew architecture was so interesting?

No one can leave without pulling the cord for the catapult. Don’t worry, it’s not like that episode of Amazing Race . It’s quite safe. The rock is rather light weight and if by chance it snaps back, the guy standing by it will be hit in the face, not you.

Nuts and Bolts about The Chronicles of Narnia: The Exhibition
Check out The Chronicles of Narnia: The Exhibition at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Ala., now through Jan. 5, 2011. The exhibit is open daily between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Sorry, no photography, no strollers, no food or drink and those being disruptive will be beheaded. Just kidding about being beheaded but being disruptive will probably get you tossed out. Be good!
While there, be sure to check out the space artifacts including the Saturn V rocket. Wow! I was lucky enough to dine beneath it, although not everyone will have that opportunity. You’ll still be awe-struck by its massiveness.
Admission into the exhibit is $25 for adults, $20 for children between 6 and 12.
Visit the U.S. Space & Rocket Center website for additional information and for planning your visit or call 256-721-7218. Need a suggestion on where to stay? My home base was the Holiday Inn Huntsville Downtown. Comfortable hotel, convenient location.
Image Sources:
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Exhibition: U.S. Space & Rocket Center
Saturn V: Me!