Blogging, and in particular, enhancing Solo Travel Girl, is something I wish I could do on a full-time basis. At this point of my life (and based on the balance in my bank account) it’s not something I can do. *sigh*But, I do the best I can in balancing a full-time job and blogging. And, in case you didn’t know, running a blog is a full-time job.
Fall 2015 has been pretty exciting for Solo Travel Girl! I was used as a source about advice for solo women travelers in an article on Orbitz, thanks to the super-fab blogger Kara who is the voice behind Kara on the Coast.
If you follow me on Twitter.com (@JenniferHuber), then you know I assisted Orbitz with their #AksOrbitz Twitter chat about solo travel in November. Participating reaffirmed how much empowerment solo travel gives us.
Pink Pangea featured me in this article on how I got started with Solo Travel Girl and my philosophy of traveling alone, not lonely. (Thank you to my friend and PR pro Mary for that lead!)
And, I was simply honored in being featured on The Renaissance Woman and discussing my desire to inspire others to travel alone, not lonely.
Off topic, I wrote my first article for the Florida Buzz Report called “Glades, Gators and Good Eats.” check it out!
As I’ve written about over and over, I don’t necessarily travel solo because I enjoy it, although I do enjoy it. I primarily travel solo because I usually don’t have that reliable sidekick to join me. There were too many times when I have waited around for others to make plans, only for them to either evaporate or fall through, leaving me with nothing to do.
Carpe diem! Seize the day because life is too short. It’s cool to travel solo and don’t let fears prevent you from doing what you want to do.
Do you travel solo? Or, are you waiting to take your first trip? Where in the world do you want to go?
Photo: Selfie while participating in Hooked on SUP’s SUP and Snorkel trip, Englewood, Fla., Sept. 2015