Budget and business travelers alike salivate over the opportunity of flying first class, especially when the opportunity comes in the form of a free upgrade. Why? It’s a power trip and during my 40th birthday celebration, I was reminded why first class rocks the friendly skies.
Unfortunately for me, since my primary employer has reduced my travel, I’ve lost elite status in all airline programs and no longer enjoy upgrade perks. Now when traveling, I stare at monitors thinking I can use magical powers to create an airline miracle for an upgrade. Alas, I have no powers and am forced to eat humble pie and board with zone 77 (okay, zones don’t range that high, but you get the idea) and hope there’s some overhead space for my small carry-on. Oh, the anxiety!
For my 40th birthday celebration, Zeldamae pulled a favor with her brother (former airline executive) who booked us first class to Europe. Well, as you know, the Icelandic volcano changed our plans and we headed to the Pacific Northwest.

As the flight attendant handed me a glass of wine before takeoff on the return portion of the trip, I recalled all the groovy things first class passengers are entitled and what coach passengers are missing. Recently reading Bobby Laurie’s “Cabin Common Sense” post on Flightster inspired me to share my observations as to why first class rocks and coach is well, coach.
Five Reasons Why Flying First Class Rocks
All Luggage Must be Stowed. Yeah, Right. On four legs of the round-trip journey, there was at least one first class passenger who didn’t have their luggage stowed. (For the record, it wasn’t either of us!) Flight attendants didn’t seem to mind the purse, laptop or other item being held in the passenger’s lap. Sitting in coach, I have witnessed flight attendants diligently searching for rogue carry-on luggage and demanding passengers to stow it.
Feeling Human with Hot Towels. The first time I was handed a hot towel I wasn’t sure what to do with it. Wash my hands? Dab it on my face? Take it into the bathroom for a sponge bath? I peeked to see what other first class passengers did and it’s basically anything you want (though preferably not a sponge bath). It’s amazing how even a short flight makes one feel scummy and those hot towels bring back the humanity. When returning the now-cold-cloth to the flight attendant, don’t hand it to them – that’s gross! Let their tongs do the work. And not once sitting in coach have I enjoyed a soft, warm towel.
Ching, Ching. Sound of Real Glass. Yup, when flying first class, many times wine, cocktails and other beverages are served in real glasses. You silly passengers in coach. You’ll never receive your drink in a real glass. Who knows what you’d do with it.
More Warm Happiness. No, not a puppy but a warm chocolate chip cookie. Not all first class flights have such divine desserts but flying between Houston and Seattle, I enjoyed a fresh out-of-the-oven cookie and cold milk (served in a real glass). If you don’t receive a warm cookie on your first class flight, you’ll probably enjoy something else yummy. If you haven’t had the pleasure of first class dining, be sure to check out my YouTube video of the tasty meal I enjoyed in April.
Bragging Rights. This is probably the biggest thrill of flying first class because I *love* bragging rights. Not only can I be the first on the plane to watch everyone board (and have them look at me with envy) but I’m one of the first to deplane. When flying first class I’m sharing a bathroom with about a dozen others rather than 100 others. Yeah, that’s bragging rights enough.
Don’t think I’m jaded. My last air adventure was spent flying in coach all the way to New York where I enjoyed my soda in a plastic cup and reminisced about the first class days. Indeed, I’m pretty much grounded but when flying first class I soak it up.
And oh yeah, I should disclose this post is an attempt to get the attention of the Flightster folks. *wink* wink*. Hi there!
great blog thank you