From A to Z, what are the characteristics of a solo travel girl? This travelista is optimistic, observant and an original!
Optimistic – The glass is always half full in the solo travel girl’s world because she’s learned her journeys and life experiences are more enjoyable when being optimistic compared to the alternative. She does not want to be known as a grumpy, angry traveler so she looks at the bright side and always with a smile in the most difficult, trying situations.
Observant – This gal is one who sits back and surveys and absorbs her surroundings rather than diving in without looking. Some may think she’s antisocial because her head’s on a swivel but in reality she’s an excellent listener and through observation she’s keeping aware of her surroundings and anticipating what to do in the event of a not-so-pleasant experience, especially in sketchy areas.
An Original – Just like a snowflake, without a doubt this gal is one-of-a-kind. Need I say more?
Are you a solo travel girl? What other qualities beginning with the letter “O” can be attributed to a solo travel girl?
This post is part of the 2013 Blogging A to Z Challenge.
Most of my travelling was done solo. I never saw a problem with it, but I remember one trip to Thailand, I felt like everyone was looking at me so pitifully because I was all alone. Funny really.
Have fun with a-z.