From A to Z, what are the characteristics of a solo travel girl? She’s fun and frugal making her totally fabulous!
Fun – Troops of monkeys cower when the solo travel girl enters the room because they know she brings more fun to the party than, well, a barrel of primates. In addition to being captivating at dinner parties her carefree spirit and worldliness lightens even the heaviest of moods.
Frugal – Being able to travel means having the money to do so. Since she doesn’t have (or need) a sugar daddy, million dollar trust fund or six-figure salary, this travelista is a frugalista. She’s constantly on the lookout for the best value, not necessarily the cheapest, when it comes to hotels, airfare, restaurants and attractions. Of course, she knows a thing or two about maximizing her frequent flyer miles and hotel reward points.
When traveling internationally she’s careful in what credit card she carries and uses one where there are no transaction fees charged with each purchase. Utilizing coupons, shopping supermarket sales and having a strategy to stretch a buck helps keep this wandering woman’s cost of living expenses down so she can travel as she pleases. (Most of the time.)
Fabulous – Having the guts to travel alone makes the solo travel girl pretty darn fabulous. She’s learned to overcome the self-inflicted stigma of doing things alone such as dining because she’s realized going solo is probably the greatest thing since sliced bread. She’s in control of her itinerary to do, see, rest, eat and play when she wants.

Are you a solo travel girl? What other qualities beginning with the letter “F” can be attributed to a solo travel girl?
This post is part of the 2013 Blogging A to Z Challenge.
FTC Disclosure: The post contains affiliate links with the intent of supporting this blog and my travel habit.
I loved traveling alone when I was in college. My best trip was to Japan…I felt like I was on a honeymoon with myself!
Ruby is participating in the A to Z Challenge
Ruby Wilbur