Day: October 4, 2015

Florida Fun
Outdoorswoman Journal: Solo Travel Girl is Joining the 2016 Python Challenge
Look out world. Solo Travel Girl is joining the 2016 Python Challenge and becoming a snake huntress! Yup, I’m serious. I mean, why not? Life’s too short not to try something new, right? In the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, “Do one thing every day that scares you.”
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Florida Fun
Nature Travel
Outdoorswoman Journal: First Time Fishing Charlotte Harbor for Snook and Redfish
“Fish on! Fish on!” Less than 10 minutes of wetting our lines in Charlotte Harbor, a client and I were both reeling snook into the boat. It’s been years – 15 to be exact – since I last went inshore fishing and I had forgotten about the thrill of being on the water, twitching the line and reeling in a catch . My client and I were fishing with Capt. Rhett Morris of Beyond Borders Outfitters out of Punta Gorda, Fla.
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