Can’t believe it’s here. NASA Tweetup.! I arrived to my hotel just after 8 p.m. after picking up one of the Tweetup attendees at the Orlando airport then dropping him off at his hotel. I’ve settled in, reviewed all the NASA materials and went to finish up work, research and post on my blog but unfortunately, my Verizon broadband isn’t working.
Yes, night before one of the biggest experiences of my life and the Internet access I pay a pretty penny for each month isn’t working. I could devote a whole post about my three-week bad experience with the carrier (which was preceded by about three years of excellent service) but I don’t want them to ruin the incredible journey I’m about to begin.
Thankfully, the Tweetup tent is wired with WiFi for the next two days so I hope to upload posts with images. Right now, I’m using the handy dandy WordPress iPhone app.
It’s not like I’m the one heading into space this week but by participating in this Tweetup I’m fulfilling a lifetime goal of somehow being part of NASA’s program. I wish my grandparents were around so I could share the experience. After all, they introduced me to NASA and the space shuttle program. And, thank you NASA for allowing me to participate in what should be a fantabulous journey.
Let this awesome ride begin!