Search Results for: nasatweetup

Encourage STEM and Watch Girls Achieve their Dreams

During the wee hours of August 6, I was curled up on my sofa with CNN on my television and NASA TV on my iPad, waiting for Curiosity, the Mars rover, to land. More than eight months prior on November 26, 2011, I had the honor of participating in a NASA Tweetup (now NASA Social) […]

Tips for Planning a Day Trip to Kennedy Space Center

“What are the must-see highlights at Kennedy Space Center?” my brother recently asked. We visited KSC as kids and now 30-plus years later he was planning a visit with his family this summer. Although not intentional, their visit coincided with the Kennedy Space Center’s 50th anniversary (happening now!) and access to view space shuttle Atlantis […]

LLI – Resources for March 15, 2012 Introduction to Social Media: MyTweetingFaceTube

Welcome Lifelong Learning Institute Participants! Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to learn a little bit about social media by attending my “Introduction to Social Media: MyTweetingFaceTube” presentation. Following is a list of resources I mentioned during the presentation and it may take me a couple of days before it’s […]

Appendicitis? Honey Badge Don’t Care.

I should be blogging about the amazing time I’m having in the country of Panama but rather, I’m home sitting on my sofa, slightly buzzed with a dose of Vicodin and blogging about my recent appendectomy. Trust me, running off to another country with someone I met online sounds more exciting than what I’ve experienced […]

Wordless Wednesday: I’m Thankful For…

Since Thanksgiving is tomorrow, thought I’d share, through images, some of the things I’m thankful for. I’ve experienced so many amazing things this year but what my happiness boils down to are a few simple things. Enjoy these snapshots from the year and tell me what you’re thankful for. I would really like to know.

Turkey, Cranberries and a Mars Rover: Thanksgiving Week Activities at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex in Florida

Nov. 20, 2011 Update: The Mars rover launch has been pushed to Saturday, Nov. 26, 2011. Visit for the  latest launch updates.  Thanksgiving is next week (!!!) and folks in Central Florida can immerse in space goodness thanks to the Mars Curiosity rover launch scheduled for Friday, Nov. 25 at 10:25 a.m. Saturday, Nov. […]

Media Release: Charlotte County Resident is One of 150 Selected to Attend NASA Tweetup for Mars Rover Launch, November 23 and 25, 2011

It’s time for another NASA Tweetup and guess what? I’m over the moon with excitement! Following is the media release I’m distributing about my attendance and above is one of my favorite photos from my first NASA Tweetup, final launch of space shuttle Endeavour on May 16, 2011. Hope you’ll follow along with me on […]

Visiting Kennedy Space Center in a Post-Space Shuttle World

“…once NASA goes away…” People! NASA is NOT going away. If I had a nickle for each time I’ve heard that in the last three months, I’d be about $7.35 richer. Okay,that doesn’t seem like a lot but that’s more than 145 times! There’s this misconception running amok that just because the space shuttle program […]

Hello Women on the Go! Resources for Staying Connected and Being Responsible While Traveling

Welcome members of Women on the Go (Venice, Fla.)! Thank you for inviting me to today’s meeting and allowing me share a little about my travel adventures. If you live in Sarasota or Charlotte County and not familiar with the organization, Women on the Go is a group energizing women who encourage and support each […]

“Triumphs and Pitfalls of Using Social Media” FOWA 2011

Howdy! If you’re visiting this page, you either attended the Florida Outdoor Writers Association’s Annual Conference in Naples in August 2011, or you randomly landed here. Either way, welcome! Below is a list of resources included in my Aug. 25 “Triumphs and Pitfalls of Using Social Media” presentation along with other resources I use and […]