Welcome Lifelong Learning Institute Participants! Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to learn a little bit about social media by attending my “Introduction to Social Media: MyTweetingFaceTube” presentation. Following is a list of resources I mentioned during the presentation and it may take me a couple of days before it’s complete but this will get you going in the right direction.
Remember, social media and social networking can be overwhelming. Take your time and do what feels right for you.
Feel free to use the contact form to ask a question or drop me an email, as listed in the presentation.
Social Networking Sites
Facebook.com – To date, world’s largest social networking site. As of Feb. 2012, Facebook has about 845 million active users.
- Of interest, an article about 20 Crimes Solved through Facebook. http://www.zdnet.com/blog/facebook/20-crimes-solved-with-facebook-infographic/10049
Flickr.com – Photo sharing site; Pro option (annual fee) allows you more flexibility with your images. Getty Images also has a relationship with Flickr.
FourSquare.com – Location-based service; great for finding new places to visit when traveling, checking in for deals and bragging rights at becoming a mayor!
Instagram (instagram.com) – Photo sharing application for the iPhone and iPad. Can link with Twitter, Facebook and other social networking sites.
Locavore (getlocavore.com) – Smartphone app to assist users in finding local, in-season food. Find farmers’ markets and farms that sell fresh products.
MySpace.com – Popular before Facebook,
Pinterest (pinterest.com) – Organize and share the things you love on a virtual pin board.
TripAdvisor.com – The world’s largest online travel community where users share reviews on everything related to travel.
Twitter.com – Share what you’re doing in 140 characters or less.
YouTube.com – Second most searched website next to Google. A video sharing site where users can upload, view and share videos.
Videos Shown During the Presentation
- Social Media Revolution 2012 – Brandshout – Peterborough UK http://youtu.be/dA5Fn_Q10Tk
- Webcam 101 for Seniors (Original Version – as Featured on Today Show and Good Morning America) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M95CAeiOPtE
- InvisiblePeople.tv – “Homeless Has a Name.” Invisible People Documentary Trailer: http://youtu.be/ddaBs8CB298
- Justin Bieber Google Chrome Video: (we didn’t have time to see it but it’s a fun, one-minute video chronicling the singer’s success) http://youtu.be/xN68sT2Xt1M
- A Look Into The Future: A Day Of Glass Where Technology Is Amazing (Touch Screen Everything), by Corning: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv1FD0SLwWc&feature=fvsr
Other Resources
Mashable (www.mashable.com) – Terrific resource for latest in social media, technology and digital culture. (I didn’t mention it but great resource!)
NASA Tweetup (nasa.gov/social) – An experience of a lifetime! Although the space shuttle missions are done, NASA is still launching rockets into space and carrying on research and will continue to hold Tweetups at NASA facilities throughout the country. Follow them on Twitter.com/social for updates. Check out my blog posts related to #NASATweetup.
White House Tweetup (whitehouse.gov/tweetup)
The Wine Sisterhood (winesisterhood.com) – Celebrating and sharing the world of wine from the female point of view. Actively participate in the creation of the next new hot wine brand.
Wayback Machine (www.archive.org) – Want to see what a website used to look like? Pay a visit to the Wayback Machine!
What Men and Women Really Want, According to Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC], Mashable, March 12, 2012 by Matt Silverman