things to do in Philadelphia

10 Patriotic Things to Do in Philadelphia
Philadelphia is the perfect place to hold the DNC Convention because it is nicknamed the Cradle of Liberty. This is the location where the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution were signed, forming the modern United State. Following are 10 patriotic things to do in Philadelphia.
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Meeting a Butcher, a Baker and a Candlestick Seller during Philadelphia Tour with Urban Adventures
Rub-a-dub-dub! Checking the weather forecast before boarding my flight from Tampa to Philly last month, I knew it was going to be a soggy, quick trip. Yes, call me crazy because I had planned less than 24-hours with feet on the ground in Philadelphia the end of March. Why? My prime objective was to tour the 9th Street Italian Market with walking-tour operators Urban Adventures where I met a butcher, a baker, a candlestick seller and others who keep this historic market ticking.
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