I’m two days from becoming mayor of Sarah Palin’s House FourSquare alerted me after checking in from a very quick visit to the former Alaska governor’s driveway. Wasilla, Alaska, was a stop when returning to Anchorage from Fairbanks earlier this month, and since I wanted to add a little pop culture into the trip, I was determined to find her house.
Amazingly, it was pretty easy to find. I Googled “where does Sarah Palin live” and this article on AlaskaReport.com came up. In addition to the address it included a satellite map indicating the Palin Compound on Lake Lucille. When I inserted her mailing address (on W. Parks Highway) in Google Maps, we were routed near the house. See the red marker in the photo below.

We first visited the Best Western Lake Lucille Inn, walked out to the boat docks and could see portions of the Palin yard and seaplane, I think. We then drove as far as we could down Lake Lucille Drive to a yellow “Private Keep Out” sign. We figured this was the house author Joe McGinniss was residing in and annoying the Palin family. We could see the extended fence the Palins constructed to maintain privacy.

We then drove down Nevada Drive and at the end were greeted with “Private Property” signs at what we assumed to be Palin’s driveway. I waved to the security camera, indicating our intentions were friendly. Past the fence of the driveway, I could see a little shed, perhaps a security gateway into the compound.

Turned out Palin was in Iowa Saturday on the non-campaign trail on the day of our visit. Would have liked to meet Sarah Palin at home in Alaska. I would tell her although I didn’t vote for her and McCain in 2008, her TV show, “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” on TLC, inspired this trip. Not only was I was supporting her state’s economy she opened my eyes and mind to a new wondrous world during my quick trip. Maybe I can tell her once she officially hits the campaign trail. Maybe.

And could I see Russia? Nope, it was a bit cloudy…
I have the exact same photos, lol. We parked at the Best Western. Wasilla is a dumpy town though.
Didn’t get to see much of Wasilla – just the Best Western, Palin Compound and a Dairy Queen. Did you make it to the dogsled museum?