“Whoo! Stormtroopers! I wanna date a stormtrooper! I don’t care what he looks like underneath…they are so hot!”
While enjoying some liquid courage in the form of an Outer Rim Rum Drop at the cafe (it was quite good), I met 3 twenty-something ladies getting ready for Star Wars speed dating on Saturday during Star Wars Celebration V in Orlando. The most vocal one, who thinks stormtroopers are sexy (personally, I always found them frightful), was getting pumped up and ready to do it.
I was still hesitant and wondered if I should really back out of the experience. I hate rejection and knowing I was probably going to be rejected by at least 30 Star Wars male fans frightened me. I mean, can my ego handle it?
Why Star Wars Speed Dating?
Now, let me back up on my intentions in participating in this far out matchmaking. Yes, I am dating someone, I think. Well, guess you can call it dating. Get your mind out of the gutter! It’s not *that.* Dating is a loose term and suppose it depends on the week. In honesty, I enjoy spending time with him but know he’s not into me.
Knowing Star Wars speed dating would provide some excellent blog material and believing in “you never know who you’ll meet,” I registered and was open to meeting my Han Solo, Wookie or Jabba the Hut. I mean, even a solo travel girl likes to return home to someone.
If you’re expecting this post to poke fun at my mini-dates then move along, there’s nothing to see. Although tempting, I can imagine what a guy would post about me…”And there was this old chick who didn’t know Han shot first!” Poking fun would be mean and that’s not my style. Always try and be open-minded about the experience and take away the positives!
Dating can be fun but it can also be scary because of the rejection. People come in all shapes, sizes, ages, colors and ideologies. And during Star Wars speed dating, it was no exception – for the men or women.
Star Wars is my generation and fed my imagination and creativity while growing up. I embraced it then and still have that nostalgic love for it but I’m not a die-hard fan. During the 90s when I lived in national parks, I missed an entire generation of pop culture including the new era of Star Wars. Because I don’t live and breathe it doesn’t make me a bad potential mate. Or so I thought.

Seven Things I Learned During Star Wars Speed Dating
I have no clue how many guys I met with. Maybe twenty? During what seemed like an hour of three-minute dates, here is what I learned:
- I have pretty good hygiene. Before heading into the dating room I popped into the bathroom to make sure there wasn’t any sauerkraut from my hotdog sticking between my teeth. Poor hygiene is a turn off, not all of my dates are aware of this.
- George Lucas is da bomb. Okay, I knew this already, and most of my dates were standing in line at 11 p.m. the night prior to get a seat in the theater to see him that morning. That meant these guys were running on Red Bull and adrenaline during the mini-dates. Gotta give them a lot of credit for showing up and being coherent. No, I didn’t see Lucas but from my mini-dates, I learned quite a bit of what I missed. Thanks to these guys, I got my beauty sleep and a summary of the Star Wars creator’s magical words.
- When married then going through the divorce, I wasn’t a mean wife. I never threw away or set a fire my former husband’s favorite collectibles. Can you see where this is going?
- On many occasions I had to rate my interest level of Star Wars and rated it as “low.” This wasn’t the right answer. I said “low” because walking onto the Celebration show floor, I was already overwhelmed.
- I’m missing out by not watching Clone Wars. Yes, I Googled to learn more.
- Just because someone wears a Star Wars costume 17 times a year still makes them a productive member of society. Really. Yes, I met with guys who were dressed as Jedis and other characters. As every proper gentleman does, they removed their headgear.
- I should have booked two days at the convention. One day to explore the floor and indulge in speed dating and the other to take in the lectures.

Was a Match Made in Another Galaxy?
Most of my mini-dates were with twenty-somethings. They were extremely polite although I could tell they preferred to spend more time with Slave Leia who was in the room. That’s cool. I didn’t get a chance to meet everyone, especially the dude dressed as Indiana Jones (I know, wrong conference) nor all the “older” guys. I figured they were my generation.
There were a couple of guys who seemed interesting but I noticed they didn’t write my number down (not my phone number but my designated date number) so I didn’t bother writing theirs. The guy I clicked the most with was probably the youngest I met. He asked about my other interests beyond Star Wars and conversation flowed. I’m old enough to be his mother so didn’t write his number down. Sorry, animal prints aren’t my thing (cougar reference if you didn’t get that). I kept thinking he’d make a great boyfriend and husband for someone someday.
At the end, I went to pick up my sheet to see if anyone was interested. Some women didn’t have anyone listed and walked away with a “whatever” look on their faces. I prepared for the inevitable rejection, a blank sheet.
To my surprise there was one name and his phone number. I couldn’t remember which one he was. His telephone number originated in the Midwest. Hmm. To call or not. If he left an email, that would’ve been a no-brainer. But I didn’t call because there was still so much to see! Maybe I let Han Solo slip away. Or maybe I let a Wookie stroll on by. I’ll never know.
As for the younger gals, well, based on how full their sheets were, all the guys were interested in them. I repeat, all of the guys. Ah, to be young again!

Masters Behind Star Wars Speed Dating
Star Wars speed dating was coordinated Ryan Glitch, aka: Gi-Ganakin and tunes were spun by Dean Amsler, aka: DJ MadKid Jedi with assistance by TB-2709, the Scout Trooper of Love, who apparently met his wife during one of these events.
In sum, it was fun and not so scary. My ego was bruised but like a derby injury, it’ll heal.
The Force of Love or Like wasn’t with me but someday I’ll find it…[cue Kermit playing banjo].
Check out this article about the event on ABC.com.
Great article, Miss! I’m sorry your ego got even a little banged up there during the speed-dating, but I hope you enjoyed the rest of the time you had at CV. I really liked this entry, as I always enjoy seeing the SW universe through someone else’s eyes, especially those admittedly not into it as much as others who made the event.
Oh.. and not to be a nit-picker, but you mispelled “stormtrooper” in the caption of th kiss above.
Thanks for stopping by and definitely, a good time from morning ’til the wee hours of the morning during CV. And thanks for the typo catch 🙂
This Chewbacca mask is an officially licensed authentic Star Wars costume accessory. Dating
If you went with the slave Leia outfit your card would have been full. Young boys aren’t looking for substance, just skin 🙂
You are braver than I to attempt Star Wars speed dating. I like Star Wars, just not quite to that extent.