Ever have a Solo Travel Girl Spice Chocolate Bar? How about a Solo Travel Girl Quirky Chocolate Bar? No, I’m not getting into the chocolate bar business but recently tried out Chocomize, a website where visitors can customize their chocolate bar pretty much anyway they like.
I’m not talking about customizing a wrapper or hard candy shell like personalizing messages on M&Ms. This is actually selecting your Belgium chocolate (dark, milk or white) and ingredients for the interior and exterior of the bar. A message can be added to the bar and the candy’s customized name can be placed on the creation’s label.
Shipping Chocolate to Florida in Summer?
The chocolate bars are handmade and shipped out pretty quickly. I ordered two on a Wednesday afternoon (during my lunch break) and received it by Friday – only two days from New Jersey! Although the company guarantees it to arrive within four business days. My customized chocolate arrived in a United States Post Office square box and was wrapped in paper and small ice packets, ensuring my edible treasures would not melt.
Wasabi Peas for How Much?
There’s a base price for the chocolate ($3.85 for milk or dark and $3.95 for white chocolate) and each additional item has its own cost, depending on the item. Sea salt is .40 while beef jerky is $1.85 with prices in between. The chocolate bar can be dusted with 23K gold flakes for $3.95.
While tempting to try every type of spice (like parsley and oregano) and colorful candy, this is what I crafted:
Ingredients for the Solo Travel Girl Spice Chocolate Bar by Chocomize:
- Dark Chocolate
- Wasabi Peas
- Dried Raspberries
- Sea Salt
- Toffee
- Cost = $7.25
Ingredients for the Solo Travel Girl Quirky Chocolate Bar by Chocomize:
- Milk Chocolate
- Roasted Pistachios
- Mini Chipotles (and they are HOT!)
- Beef Jerky
- Sour Patch Kids
- Cost = $8.25
Shipping is a flat rate of $4.95 making the total $20.24. Chocomize also offers the option to donate to one of three charities.
Verdict on Chocomize?
The bars are a decent size, 3.5oz, and a delicious treat. Chocomize sells gift certificates which can be given to the person who has everything and can now make their own delish chocolate bar. Their website is easy to navigate and add ingredients.
So how did my bizarre concoctions taste? Honestly, not bad. The mini chipotles really stand out and next time will try them with the dark chocolate.
This post is fully my opinion. I have not been asked to write this review and I have not received any type of compensation to do so.
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