From A to Z, what are the characteristics of a solo travel girl? This nomadic la niña is naughty yet nice and navigationally-challenged!
Naughty, Yet Nice – She’s the first to admit she’s not perfect. Every once in awhile the rebel within rears its ugly head, especially after a stressful day of travel. The STG may end up doing some not-so-noble things, such as jaywalking, taking extra shampoo bottles off the housekeeping cart to stock her home bathroom, or flaming a company on Twitter because things didn’t go as planned.
Yes, she knows those aren’t nice things to do and at the age of 39 she thought it was a good idea to give roller derby a try to tame her inner badass. At the same time, she actually discovered she had a nice side, almost apologizing with every hit on the track, and developing a soft heart for her derby brothers and sisters. Although she no longer skates, you can take the girl out of derby but can’t take derby out of the girl.
As for nice, she does her best to engage people in conversation so they feel comfortable when put in a new situation. She thanks service workers, airline crew and just about anyone who has assisted her and remembers to handwrite thank you notes when appropriate.
Navigationally-Challenged – Although the solo travel girl is a world traveler and packs along maps, guidebooks and smartphone apps, almost on every trip she somehow ends up…let’s say…taking the long way from point A to point B. In other words, this particular wandering woman is navigationally-challenged. On rare occasions, a GPS can’t even get this gal going in the right direction. To get her going on the right path, she’ll either find a quiet area to consult her map or find a nice person to send her on her way.

Are you a solo travel girl? What other qualities beginning with the letter “N” can be attributed to a solo travel girl?
This post is part of the 2013 Blogging A to Z Challenge.
Half the fun in travelling is getting lost.
So true, good point!
I usually have to turn around at least once on every trip – now I have to write my directions out ahead and large so I can read them while driving – maps are too small to read