2009 was the first year in a long time, perhaps nine years, that my travels didn’t take me abroad. I didn’t even visit Canada! Although my work travel was reduced, the stupid recession really cramped my traveling style this year. Can’t change time but can look forward to new adventures in 2010, my decade.
I turn the big 4-0 this year, yikes! Never suspected 40 felt like this, I mean, I really don’t feel “old.” Sure, I can tell a difference in my vision, I need to hold things away from me to read them, but other than that, I don’t feel limited in any way.
In fact, I feel somewhat liberated and empowered. Being “older” seems to come with some kind of unspoken respect. The mall rats seem to shy away from me and I no longer feel the need to let my elders go ahead of me in the grocery store line. I’m one of them now – look out!
As usual, I’m digressing…
2010 is my year. Thanks to pal Zeld Mae, we’re flying first class to Europe for about 10 days this spring. Tulips, diamonds, and democracy – can you guess where I’m heading? I’ve flown first class before but never abroad. And, we plan to stay at nice hotels, no hostels or budget hotels in the bowels of an inner city. No meals on the fly. Proper breakfasts and proper dinners with casual lunches in between. Of course there will be wine and champagne when appropriate. I hope to be standing in a tulip field sometime around my birthday.
I’m remembering traveling isn’t about always finding the best deal, or traveling as cheap as possible. It’s the journey and enjoyment. Life is too short not to reward oneself once in awhile.
Stay tuned as plans develop!